Cancelled: ProtonTalk on 9 March Opening research bunker
We are happy to invite you to our next ProtonTalk on the ‘opening’ of the R&D bunker.
16.00 hours Reception with coffee & tea
16.10 hours All about beam time
- Work done in 2019 in the bunker and labs, by Marta Rovituso
- How to start an experiment in HollandPTC, by Marta Rovituso
- How to apply, information on the procedure how to apply for beam time, by Charlotte Nijhoff
- The beam explained in technical detail, by students of Marta Rovituso
- Work planned for 2020 and milestones
- Updates from researchers
16.50 hours Tour of the labs and bunker
17.30 hours Celebration drinks
Would you like to join? Please register before March 2 2020 via