Towards a sustainable RTT network

Principal Investigators: dr. Harmen Bijwaard (InHolland), prof. dr. Mischa Hoogeman (HollandPTC), prof. Morten Høyer (Aarhus University), prof. dr. Esther Troost (Technical University Dresden), dr. Bastosz Bak (Wielkopolskie Centrum Onkologii)

Funding: European Union, Erasmus plus 2023


The main objective of this project is to harmonise the proton therapy planning and delivery practises of RTTs and dosimetrists in a way that all patients across Europe receive the best possible proton therapy for the treatment of their cancers (optimised PROM/PREM). This objective is achieved in a series of steps leading to essential underlying results. Firstly, best practices for the treatment of different cases will be identified. For this result an exchange programme for RTTs and dosimetrists will be set up, as well as a workshop for which RTTs, dosimetrists and experts in different fields will be invited to discuss and agree on best practices. Also, treatment planning challenges will be organised in which RTTs and others can compete to find the best possible treatment plan. These will help in deciding on best practises. In a second step the identified best practises that have been laid down in white papers, will be translated into more general guidelines in close collaboration with leading organisations in the field, such as the European Particle Therapy Network (EPTN) of the European SocieTy of Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO). In a third step these guidelines will be implemented in education and training for RTTs and dosimetrists across Europe.

This result is linked to the selected priorities: (1) Promoting inter-connected higher education systems, (2) Building inclusive higher education systems, and (3) Stimulating innovative learning and teaching practices. In a final step all produced results and materials will be made available to the entire community via a web-based platform. In this way everyone is inclusively able to follow the developed inter-connected higher education that makes use of innovative learning and teaching practices to efficiently and effectively reach all RTTs and dosimetrists across Europe, which in turn will contribute to the harmonisation of proton therapy delivery in practice.